Flexibility of guardianship properties

Blue Door properties are an innovative and cost-effective solution for individuals seeking affordable housing. Typically, guardianship properties offer short to medium term accommodation in exchange for security duties, giving guardians flexibility to move on with only 28 days notice, as opposed to some rental accommodation where you have to buy in for at least six months. This flexibility can be a huge benefit for those who are uncertain about their permanent living arrangements, and have decided they want to be involved in guardianship and affordable living.

The flexibility of guardianship properties is a major advantage for many individuals. For example, a person who is transitioning between jobs or who has a job that requires frequent travel may find it difficult to commit to a long-term rental agreement. With Blue Door, the 28 day rolling Licence Agreement allows them to be more flexible. Another benefit of our guardianship properties is the cost. Renting a traditional home can be expensive, and many individuals may not have the financial resources to cover the upfront costs. With guardianship properties, the affordable accommodation makes it a winning option.

The flexibility of living as a guardian also allows individuals to explore different areas and neighborhoods. For example, someone who is new to a city may want to test out different places to live before committing to a long-term contract. Guardianship allows them to move around and find the perfect location that meets their needs.

Whether you are transitioning between jobs, exploring new area, or simply seeking an affordable housing option, Blue Door Property Guardians can offer a flexible and cost-effective solution. If you're looking for a new living arrangement, do get in touch!